Uncomplicated immediate assistance
Are you depressed?
Duration: 4 min
On the dark side of life
Everyone5. Person in Switzerland is affected by depression at least once in his life.
It doesn't always stay at one Depressive phase, about every second person experiences onegradual progression.
Most depressed people cannot initially classify their symptoms and are not aware that it is a psychological disorder.
They lose theirsdrive as well as their interest and joy in life and are constantly tired and lacking energy.
Depression at a glance!
Just sad or depressed?
Do you suffer from a sad mood and lack of motivation combined with a lack of enjoyment in activities and pleasures?
Or does your thinking revolve around issues such as low self-esteem, hopelessness or even suicide as a “last resort” from the endless black tunnel?
Does this condition last?longer than 2 weeks if it continues continuously, you could be in a depressive mood.
How do you recognize depression?
Depressed mood, sometimes especially in the morning - “morning low”
Fehlendes Interesse und mangelnde Freude an Aktivitäten u. Vergnügungen
Lack of energy and drive as well as weakness in decision-making
sleep disorders or increased need for sleep
Negative thought patterns - pessimistic attitudes towards yourself, your own abilities, your appearance and the future
Depression is also part ofbipolar disorders
Audio library
Die Diagnostik und Psychotherapie erfolgt nach aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Standards und wird auf Anfrage von mir durchgeführt.
Do you have difficulty saying “no”?
Duration: 5 min
Depression - body or mind?
Depressionen werden sowohl von der körperlich-biologischen Seite her als auch von der psychosozialen Seite her erklärt und behandelt.
Wie bei den beiden Seiten einer Medaille ergänzen sich die Betrachtungsweisen.
Psychotherapeutic treatment
In psychotherapy for depression, the treatment plan in most cases includes the following components:
Psychoeducation about depression
Introspection through protocols - e.g. b.Mood diary
Problem analysis - Learn to understand the disorder model of depression
Daily structuring and activity planning - activation withWeekly plan
Kognitive Therapie - automatische Gedanken und selbstschädigende Denkmuster bewusst machen und gezielt dauerhaft verändern
Involvement of relatives- if necessary
Lavish depression
Those affected by depression often complainphysical complaints, for which the doctor cannot find an organic cause:
Headache, neck and back pain
Tightness in the chest area
Nausea with discomfort in the stomach area
Problems falling asleep and staying asleep
The physical complaints can be so prominent that the underlying depression lasts for a long timeremains undetected.